Hey everyone, It's Carl (Gladvillain)!! If you're here you probably saw me link this site on a tweet. I started this site to be the landing spot for everything Gladvillain related. if you've seen me on Twitter the past few years I really hit the ground running towards my goal of financial freedom. Starting from home ownership, stock trading, and side hustles, to simple planning and budgeting. I'm doing it all but it'll take a lot more work and dedication. Gladvillain will be a way to show my steps up and help anyone else who is on the same path I'm on. Even if I can help one person get to where I am or past me, that's cool with me. 

Some of you may know me already but if you don't I'm a 25yo guy located on the Eastside of Atlanta. No kids. I do a lot really. I cook very well and host my own Youtube channel. I'm slowly gathering steam as a beginner options trader. I offer horticulture consult calls for newbies as well beginner investor consults. I tweet a lot about financial literacy, budgeting/saving, and investments for my age group 21-30. That's all after my 9-5 job too.

Like I said my GOAL is to turn Gladvillain into a resource driven open-sourced community following passions and goals that will ultimately lead us all to financial freedom. 

This is the beginning from the ground floor so join in now and reap the benefits while we all move forward. 

DMs are open for questions or inquiries! 

Thanks, friends

Learning to Trade Options on Robinhood
Learning to Trade Options on Robinhood
I created a simple guide for breaking down options trading, and my understanding of it. I've included the resources I use with links, tips I've discovered, follower recommendations, and my own simple strategy. $5 for a digital version.

Once your order is received you will receive a digital copy of the Ebook via the email you select. Thank you!
Contact me @ c.tarrance1@gmail.com with any questions. 
This list helps me to keep in contact with everyone in the event my social media pages are ever corrupted. I dont spam or sell emails. Promise.